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Concrete Results

Concrete Results of the participating regions

Güssing - South Burgenland

During the past few years, Güssing, which lies in South Burgenland has become a centre for renewable energy.  It all began in 1989 with the construction of the rapeseed-methyl-ester facility and hit its first peak with the launch of the Güssing District Heating, which at that time was the largest plant based on burning wood chips.  Heating and electricity are produced in Güssing with a world wide, one of a kind system, (double fluidised bed procedure).  The various technical facilities generate a lot of interest from visitors.  Research and development were brought to the township of Güssing simultaneously with the construction of the plant.

These activities make a considerable contribution to adding value to the region as well as its development.  The construction of the technology centre brought highly qualified jobs and economic activities with it to the area.  Specially trained advisors tell the guests about the special qualities and the regional interrelationships.  Topical seminars attract experts, and international co-operations with the research institutes are being continuously intensified.

Pielach Valley

The Pielachtal or Pielach Valley, got its name from its exemplary regional development programme which is concerned with integrative, lasting tourism and the underlying regional circular flow economy (production, processing, marketing, services).   The number one priority in Pielachtal is the conservation of nature and the cultural landscape.  Step by step implementation and the mobilisation of the population quickly led to exemplary results.  The region shows the experts how upturn and co-operation can be developed.  Tourist guides show the interested public the „Best Practice“ examples.  The transfer of know how for students is being worked on in the framework of the project.


The Murau timber world has become a good example for the utilization of the regional construction material, timber, in Europe.  Sophisticated timber constructions in the areas of house construction, community buildings and bridges like the wooden Europe bridge, were realised and can be inspected.  New processing procedures have been developed.  Bio mass, as an energy source, plays an important role.  Official policy makers found the courage  to implement exemplary timber projects.  The love of the citizens for the Murau timber world and their support of it, is obvious when visiting these sites.  Networking and coordination between the timber industry, tourism and culture is an important task of the timber world.  Last, but not least, education and continuing education in the subject of timber is being carried out.  So called „Timber world ambassadors“  have been trained to bring the experts, and tourist groups closer to the architectural, economic, cultural, historical and  energy recovery aspects of high quality timber standards.  These tours are enthusiastically being taken advantage of.


The Vorarlberg timber construction has made a name for itself all over Europe.  Before this could happen, many basic conditions had to be formed and many hurdles had to be overcome.  A few key words about this were:  Building codes (for example, for multi storied constructions), Fire prevention, Agenda of the local building authorities, and Land use regulations.  In addition there was the development of timber construction technology and manufacturing processes in order to meet the demands of modern utility and residential buildings and energy efficiency.  The Timber Construction- Art initiative increased demand and further developed local know-how for wood processing through intensive public relations work and consequent training programmes.  The initiative led to increased jobs and use of the regional, natural and renewable resource.

According to statistics, 40,000 people visit the architectural examples in Vorarlberg every year.  In the framework of the project, know-how transfer methods are being professionalized and seminars for students are being developed.  The emphasis is put on the exotic wood, Silver Fir, because this is a very common tree in the region.

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