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Synopsis: Culture

Culture (lat. cultura) care of the body but primarily the soul, later in context with cultivation, from colere, to farm, to inhabit, care for, honour, (originally something like) working diligently, the totality of human achievements. This includes, on the one hand, physical objects like tools, but also the changes in the cultural landscape brought about by man, mental achievements as well as forms of social organisation. The term culture is associated with the term civilisation and the work done by man. (Source:

In a narrower sense, we understand culture pertaining to the following areas:  language, literature, religion and ethics, law, medicine, science, art and the management of regional resources  (human capital, nature capital and the capital of man made infrastructure).

Taking regional resources into culture is the key to reviving the economy in many areas and with that, assuring jobs.   A living culture voices positive thinking and activity. Culture is not just artistic activities, but it shows in the way people do and  manage things. People understand cultural assets as being lasting works of mankind;
cultural landscape is the description of assets created by man in the past and present.  Taking natural resources into culture means changing the position taken on existing resources and how they are used; a deep consciousness.

Consciousness awareness measures, the development of creativity and the creation of economic examples are necessary to make a change in the sense of positive regional development.  Does that mean that cultural management is the key to development in rural areas? The term „valorisation of natural and cultural inheritance“ has affected those in the LEADER circles.  Here it has to do with „Making valuable“ the regional resources and the potential for employment derived from this. With the question of how this should be done, the people involved in the regional initiatives are hindered by the behaviour of people when using original capital: Man, Nature, Infrastructure and respectively, the natural landscape

By looking at successful projects it has come to light that collective and conscious actions, meaning consciousness for something on a wide scale, is a decisive factor for success.   This is where we come full circle, because the behaviour of man in his habitat is a question of culture.  By increasing consciousness for a regional resource we are talking about taking it into culture. With the field visits we hope to be able to stimulate ideas about how local resources can be better used and can be taken into cultures. All this should be happening to get higher value on a local level.

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