Gained Knowledge
Gottlieb Kaufmann, initiator and project leader, remembered the project and said the following in his presentation at the EU seminar, the presentation was held from Andreas Neuhauser:
„Looking back, we were able to take a lot of drive from the first phase of the project into the realisation phase. By founding the co-operative, we had a quick transition into the operational enterprise and were fortunate to achieve steadfast results from the discussions. What is most pleasing to us is the fact that we can offer more jobs in the valley and that the younger generation isn‘t abandoning us. We have become attractive to them again. At the same time, „doing“ made our weaknesses obvious. Even so, I think that we can make generalizations here because it is only human that individuals get used to current circumstances quickly. It is easy to forget what the circumstances were like for the project participants before the project began. They forget too quickly that co-operation is still a decisive factor and must be maintained. They forget that free-loading is not only a one-sided burden, but it also harms the co-operative and cohesion. The responsible politicians forget too quickly that the funds used for the project were really for the betterment of the region and were not used for individual companies. We were not only fighting for our existence, we were working for the region. These accusations are very damaging to our reputation. Again - we did not receive any funds for individual companies, and we don‘t need any. Appeal to the responsible parties of LEADER +Gottlieb Kaufmann also made an appeal to the responsible parties in Brussels. He said: With this in the background, I would like to make an adamant appeal to the responsible parties of LEADER +
If you, as a consumer, acknowledge our special endeavours, then give us the conditions that we need to be able to walk this path. Let us go partway down this road together. We would like to extend a heartfelt invitation for you to visit us in our beloved Walser Valley. |