The Story
"If walls, trees or buildings could talk, we would hear a lot of interesting stories." Indirectly, t-guide, a product developed by the Austrian LAG, Vorarlberg, makes this german saying possible.
Using the internet or mobile telephony based t-guide, tourists and excursion participants can access information about cultural history or architecturally interesting buildings, unique cultural and natural landscapes or innovative projects on their mobile telephone whenever they want. Stories about alpinism, Hemingway, mining and modern architectureIn the framework of the project, among other things, stories about the historical village walkabout in the town of Gaschurn have been collected and prepared for narration. The tour passes by an old dance arbour. Although the dance arbours were customary in the olden days, this is the only original one left in the country. These dance arbours had an important function in village life during the 13th - 19th centuries. Official speeches, trials, meetings, theatre and dance events were all held here. A few minutes walk from the dance arbour is an ancient early mass house that was built in the old Walser-house style. There is evidence of border trade and the old guest houses from the 17th century, which gives us a vague idea of early tourism. The tourist also finds tales of alpinism like the first ascent of the 3,312 meter high Piz Buin and the development of the mountain area with the numerous refuges in the Silvretta and Rätikon areas. The tourism story comes alive on the second storey of the house. The guests are informed about the history of the ski, historical winter clothing and personalities that visited Montafon. The story about the famous author and Montafon guest, Ernest Hemingway is also told in this way. It is said that he not only holidayed here, but he was also a convivial drinker and wrote some of his works in Montafon. Other cultural, natural landscapes or interesting walkabouts, that will be worked on or are already being prepared are archaeological places of discovery, mines in the Silbertal, gothic art in Montafon, myths and legends, modern architecture, witches and magic. The collected tales would fill volumes. This is why it was important for the project team to find a suitable method of communication to make all of the interesting information available to the local inhabitants and guests alike.
Forest tours: While hiking through the forest in Fir tree country, the t-guide user hears information about the types of trees, forestry operations and wildlife (t-guide number: +43-5574-90830-360). Passive-Energy house: In Ludesch, a small town in Vorarlberg, Europe‘s largest public building using the Passive House standards and ecological criteria was constructed . Many interested visitors are registered there every day. Using t-guide, the visitor receives detailed information about building materials, the Passive House technique, architecture and the local development concept (t-guide number: +43-5574-90830-330)
Currently, a language identification system is being developed for the menu navigation of t-guide. On top of that, the developers of t-guide were invited to take part in the European GALILEO project (European satellite system for GEO data). Here, they would be working on the development of examples of use in the area of Location Based Services. |