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Women's Museum

The main function of the Women‘s Museum is to show what the world looks like to women, in the past as well as in the present.  How women have coped with their natural and social environments and the (female oriented) culture that was developed.  In order to do this we have collected knowledge and objects from the everyday life of women.  We have documented material culture, like objects from everyday life, handicrafts, art, handmade items, as well as immaterial culture from the women of the Bregenzerwald like experiences, stories, folktales, philosophical thoughts, religion, politics and knowledge about history and nature.  

Research projects will systematically show connections and regularities.  This knowledge will be passed on in exhibitions, seminars and workshops. It is said that especially confident and strong women live in the Bregenzerwald.  There are actually very interesting stories about that with which the Women‘s Museum would like to work.  These stories should be a starting point and incite reflection.  With our work, we want to begin in the regional area, but not stop there.  We want to show the examples of the regional micro cosmos and the macro cosmos of  Austrian society and international relationships.


The Women‘s Museum has a wide range of tasks, with exhibitions being the middle point, but going beyond that:

1. Mediation

Putting together and carrying out exhibitions - about 2 exhibitions a year:  Creating exhibitions on the subjects of female social and cultural history, alternating regional and inter-regional exhibitions.  A room for art and female artists.  Every day art and artistic handicrafts.

Accompanying programme:  Lectures, concerts, seminars, pedagogical museum activities for different target groups.

2. Collecting, documenting and researching:

Working on a Bregenzerwald cultural assets data bank:
Perspectives and female specific cultural assets.

3. Expert monitoring

Expert, scientific and artistic monitoring by corresponding with members from the areas of museums, universities, research, art, media and politics.

The museum is only open for exhibitions or by appointment.

Please call:  0043 (0)5513 6209-0
For tourism information call: 0043 (0) 5513 6209-50

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