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Helga Rädler

The old name of the bridge is Kumabrücke or Kuma Bridge. Kuma simply means gorge.

It is a very important bridge because it was a safe crossing over the Bolgenach river even when the water was high, which separated the villages of Hittisau and Bolgenach. Documents from as long ago as the 15th century mention a bridge at this location. This bridge was built in 1720 and is the oldest standing covered wooden bridge in Vorarlberg. Legend tells us that a monster used to live in the gorge, which is probably why they put a cross on the bridge. Next to it we can make out carvings that tell us, for example, that the bridge was renovated in 1925 and the names of the people that worked on it.

One of the special features of the bridge are the old wooden joints, like the motise and tenon joints or the offset joints where oblique angled pieces of wood are joined by flat cut joints gripping each other giving them strength. In the 1960‘s new shingles made of Larch were added. The supporting structural elements used to be made from different types of wood, among them, Silver Fir.

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