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Komma Bridge

This bridge, which is listed under a preservation order, is the oldest covered wooden bridge of this type in Vorarlberg. Because Silver Fir is very water resistant, these types of bridges are usually built with Silver Fir in our region.
You are at the Komma Bridge, near the Hittisau swimming pool.  The road leading out of Hittisau towards Bolgenach and then on to Riefensberg is above the bridge.  The bridge, which is listed on a preservation order, is situated on the trail through the recreation area around Hittisau.
  • For general information, dial 1.
  • Dial 2 for the history of the bridge.
  • Dial 3 to hear an interview with the tour guide, Helga Rädler.
  • Dial 4 for more information about the Beech grove on the slope, north of the Komma Bridge.

t-guide wishes you a pleasant and informative hike.

Taste 5    

General Info

The Komma Bridge was built in 1720. It is the oldest standing covered wooden bridge in Vorarlberg and spans a gorge on the Bolgenach River. It is 12.40 m. in length with a height of 5.5 metres and is 15 metres above the water.

  Taste 1  


It has been documented that there was a bridge at this location as early as 1458. The name „Kummabrug“ is seen for the first time in documents dating back to 1514.

  Taste 2  

Helga Rädler

The old name of the bridge is Kumabrücke or Kuma Bridge. Kuma simply means gorge.

  Taste 3  

Beech Grove

The local Copper Beech prefers freshly seeped, warm, loamy earth. It needs shady areas to germinate and for the sapling to grow.

  Taste 4