Once you are connected to t-guide you can dial each object on your tour directly. Either dial the calling number or follow the instructions on the phone by pressing a number either during or after the recording.
By pressing the pound key, you can skip forward to the next point on the narration. The star key will take you back one point.
If you press 0, you will go back to the main point and hear the introduction. If you do not press a number for other information after the narration is finished, the information just played will be repeated. After it is finished for the second time, the system will disconnect automatically. You can call to be connected again at any time.
Information about the costs: If you are using your mobile telephone, you will not have any extra costs by using t-guide. You only pay the standard tariff from your mobile telephone to a land phone.
Audio files are available for downloading for internet users. The files are free of charge for your personal use. Manipulation or sale of the files is not allowed. Please read the License agreement on our homepage, and especially the Creative commons license. Take advantage of the opportunity to download the files onto your mp3 player. This will let you have all the information during your excursion and it won‘t cost you a thing! You can find more information in the internet under: t-guide.telesis.at We wish you all the best for your excursion with t-guide.