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Activities in the Great Walser Valley Biosphere Park

What was accomplished:

  1. A valley wide mission statement was drafted
  2. The Great Walser Valley Biosphere park management was formed
  3. The „Köstliche Kiste“ or „Delicious Box“ project was implemented.  An impulse project to improve direct marketing of agricultural products
  4. The „Wanderbus statt Mautstrasse“ or „Migrant bus instead of Toll Roads“ project was initiated successfully
  5. The environment education programme „Biosphere park adventure“ - a pedagogical nature experience for schools, guests and the locals - was composed   
  6. The "Blickwinkel" (Perspective) - a valley-wide handout about the Biosphere park is released regularly
  7. The Mountain Timber project was implemented in the framework of a LEADER + programme, and became an example for an economic collaborative in connection with the preservation of the cultural landscape  
  8. 37 tourism partner enterprises operate using the Biosphere park philosophy.  5 of them received the Austrian Environmental award.
  9. Numerous projects in the area of renewable energy and the award with the 3 e‘s in the scope of a country-wide programme for energy efficient communities was another result.     
  10. The EcoMonte- EU-LIFE Project:  Integrated Environmental management in a small region led to an Environment Certification for the whole region - under EMAS                        
  11. A number of other projects in co-operation with the tourism industry help to strengthen the Biosphere park idea in the Great Walser Valley.    
  12. Scientific studies and diploma dissertations and much more are all results of the Biosphere park.      

If you want information about current activities, please contact the Biosphere park Management in Thüringerberg.

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